]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: displaced dilemma ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: matze schmidt + various euro + mi_ga + guests: yagin + mi + jgjeux ![]() diplaced dilemmas ... ... are everywhere, at a place where you can not stay the underground, the interzone or even at home ... inbetween public and private. out? displaced dilemma is not about sound, it is about producing! the sound is just material of random re-sources. displaced dilemma designs and develops an architecture of filesharing, interaction, remix and cutup for users to plug in/out. displaced dilemma realizes and performs plug-in-parties, plug-in-concerts, mix2headphones, web-streams, mini-fm radio transmissions, ripsale and superfactory. | |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: displaced dilemma ::: recommends + supports ::: ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: | |
SENDI ]+++: Sendipraxa ]+++: Realisation of the situationist projections ]+++: POLYGONAL THEORY ]+++: in OUT 1 by HoRRorKatze ]+++: Deplazierte Dilemmas ]+++: Matze Schmidt. "Deplazierte Dilemmas". in: Kurd Alsleben und Antje Eske(Hg.) _Mutualitaet in Netzkunstaffairen_. Hamburg material-verlag, Hochschule fuer bildende Kuenste Hamburg, 2004. http://material-verlag.hfbk-hamburg.de/titel.php?id=260 |
Superfactory(TM) ]+++: pixtream ]+++: txtrackz ]+++: n0name ]+++: ..//modukit+ ]+++: >top e.V. ]+++: various euro ]+++: ]+++: contact mailto: displaceddilemma[at]various-euro.com |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: displaced dilemma ::: dates + materials ::: ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
![]() ]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
-.. .. ... .--. .-.. .- -.-. . -.. -.. .. .-.. . -- -- .- displaced dilemma + real,-Mapping Radiomapping im NE U STA A T HA LLE Radio Transmission & Mini-Fm Workshop @ Staat a la Card by real,-Mapping Freitag, 30.09.2005, 18.00 Uhr S-Bhf Halle-Neustadt + Raum O-R-2 Germany ://www.is-halle.de/ - ://www.real-mapping.net :// FUNKTION -> STAAT \ / \ / \ / KAPITAL Sebastian Stegner, Matze Schmidt, Karsten Asshauer, Martin Unkuentz, Miga -.. .. ... .--. .-.. .- -.-. . -.. -.. .. .-.. . -- -- .- |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: NE U STA A T HA LLE! WEB-CAM MOVIE stream - 16,115,184 kb - mov realmapping-halle.mov download - 4,618,684 kb - mp4 realmapping-halle.mp4 ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: NE U STA A T HA LLE! pics! displaced dilemma + real,-Mapping @ NE U STA A T HA LLE [30.09.2005] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
|*|] |_| displaced dilemma |~|) bei papa heinz |_| hartz iv bier |X|] samstag 2.7.05 |_| ab 16 uhr "Bei Papa Heinz" (Duncker-/ Erich-Weinert-Str., Prenzlauer Berg) gibt's "Hartz IV-Bier": Jarosover Pils aus Tschechien für 80 Cent (0,3 l). Wirt Heinz Modes (57): "Jeder Gast muss sich irgendwo heimisch fuehlen, und bei uns im Kiez sitzt das Geld nicht locker. Einige sind seit Jahren arbeitslos." |
____- \__/ .. Supersunday(TM) webcam_mini-fm_transmitter_djing_gaming&drinking_tea-workshop_ on_a_sunday_afternoon_working@theweekend_in_p2p-berlin.stream 10th of April 2005 18:00 h - 20:00 h for particle/wave :: workshop :: hybrid radio practices Helsinki, April 14-18 2005 http://aura.siba.fi/particlewave/ We want to point out where we are and what we do because we are not in Helsinki (Finland) as we are in Berlin, Germany. And if you really want to know about Mini-FM and "Tux" The Cultural Capitalist tune your radioeyes in to the hype-rid tv-station in Berlin "SFRB" (Sender Freies Radio Berlin) -> http://superfactory.biz/originalcopy/06-This-is-SFRB.mp3 Webcamstream: pnm:// (RealPlayer) Supersunday(TM) is a not registered trademark by Superfactory(TM) supported by mi_ga, various euro and radi0.tv Superfactory(TM) ASCII MEMEX Game "Be A Winner!" sponsored by idn Marketing Service http://superfactory.biz/game.html |
____- \__/ .. Superfactory(TM) "The problem is NOT copyright or licences, stupid! It's production!" (Anonymus) @ hack.it.art Italian Hacktivism and Net Culture Event Exhibition and Event presented by AHA - Activism-Hacking-Artivism 14th January - 27th February 2005 hack.it.art - opening - friday - 14.01.2005 - 19:00 h Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, Berlin kunstraum kreuzberg/bethanien http://www.kunstraumkreuzberg.de aha http://www.ecn.org/aha/ You can participate in the super factory in 5 easy steps: Enter 1 As a prosumer you enter the shop floor & get a ticket 2 Play the ASCII MEMEX Game - "Be A Winner!" and buy a bag for only € 3,- with: one manual + map, one original audio-cd with rip-material and one antenna for your own Mini-FM transmitter 3 Join the DIY building of Mini-FM kits at the workshop 4 Make up your own pirate radio station and broadcast on your MHz-frequenzy your own private/public underground radioshow 5 Be revolutionary televised live! on Superfactory Channel TV Exit Superfactory(TM) is a not registered trademark by displaced dilemma. Superfactory(TM) http://www.superfactory.biz displaced dilemma ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -____ | | \__/ | | .. Superfactory(TM) | | | | ______________________ | | | | | | E | ))).((( | | | X | (((+))) ____| | | | I 4 | |_ | o| | | | T | \_\~ |____| | | | | | | | |______________________| | | Bethanien, Berlin | | Free OC* broadcasting | | & receiving on MHz | | | | ^ | | | | | | | | 5 | | | __________ O __________ | | |,-----. _ | ____ /|\ | | | | || | - | <-- | '<| /\ O | | | | ||_____| o | |____| /|\ 3 | |_ | | | |__________| O /\ | \_\~ | | | /|\ | | | | Superfactory Channel /\ |__________| | | TV live! | | Mini-FM Workshop | | + DIY** building | | of kits | | 1 2 ^ | | E __________ | | | N O | | | | | T O /|\ O | [][][] | | | | R /|\ /\ O /|\ -------> | [][][] | ----------- | | A /\ /|- /\ | [][][] | | | N /\ | ^ | | | C |__________| | | E Prosumers enter | | the shop floor ASCII MEMEX Game | | & get a ticket Winners get a | | bag with cd, | | antenna & map | | for € 3,- | | ____ | | * OC = Open Content | | ** DIY = Do-it-yourself | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) 2005 displaced dilemma ]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
(((+))) displaced dilemma |__ redbang sound + lecture \__\ for local mini-fm / radio! @ exhibition philipp hennevogl @ kultursalon reiner tisch @ thursday 09.12.2004 - 19:00 hrs bring your radio-receivers to tune in! )).(( Jacques Perconte [fr] ____| Laurent Ledeunff [fr] | o| ivn [de] |____| various euro [de] | redbang.de | technart.net | various-euro.com | displaced dilemma reiner tisch boxhagener str. 36 berlin-friedrichshain www.reinertisch.de philipp hennevogl www.philipp-hennevogl.de |
![]() |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: redbang! pics! displaced dilemma - redbang @ reiner tisch [09.12.2004] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: redbang in berlin - pics! 6. - 10. december 2004 by jacques perconte ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: mini-fm + radio + headphone + plug-in party + concert + filmz + stream / ___ ___ (O) (((+))) ___ | | |:::| )).(( /|\ |__ |___| |___| |___|~ -[:- ____| /\ \__\ \____\ | | o| / \ |____| ]+ friday 19.11.04 / 21.00 h / k77 / ]+ kastanienalle 77 / prenzlauer berg / berlin / ]+ u2 + tram 20 / eberswalderstr. / ]+ tram 13, 52, 53 - schwedterstr. / ]+ k77.org :]+++ audio: ]+ anton sulak [apostrov.net] ]+ sciss [sciss.de] ]+ ivn [ ] ]+ displaced dilemma [] :]+++ video: ]+ horrorkatze [horrorkatze.modukit.com] - SENDI / Frushka Gora / Gastarbeiter / ShortThings / ]+ fake fire - friendly fire [play.modukit.com] - trailer / movie-game-play-performance film / ]+ martin wrede - [framez.de] - marginales / ]+ jacques perconte [technart.net] - isz / ]+ 3000 [3000-online.de] - raumshif / ]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++:]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: interfiction - RipSale Freitag, 12. November 2004, 19.00 Uhr Offener Kanal KulturBahnhof Kassel http://www.interfiction.org/ http://www.interfiction.org/2004/variouseuro.html |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: interfiction- RipSale - RE:MIX ifi-ripsale-remix.mp3 51:41 min 128 kbit 49629855 bytes ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
Ripsale "Happy Ripday 2 You!" Eigenschaften: Audio-CD Zustand: The question is not how to pirate, the question is how to sell not! Maße: Immaterial Geschichte des Artikels: NEU besondere Merkmale: displaced dilemma @ a Birthday Party in Luebeck (((+))) happy bd 2 u, m. ! O /|\ /\ Ripsale* b-day & after burn real "Birthdaychild" Mini-FM Transmission 95.5 MHz (local) Sale on eBay, Suchbegriff/search keyword "Ripsale" http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2274216730 Sa., 02.10.04 ca. 21 h (Luebeck Time) Audio Livestream via GPRS: (MP3) Pixtream@rps: http://www.n0name.de/pixtream _____ *Rip, Mix & Burn + Point of Sale (Ripsale) mi_ga (lt/de), various euro (de), Matze Schmidt (de) + friends ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++:]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: happy ripday pics! displaced dilemma - @ luebeck ripday [02.10.2004] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: Pixtream@rps - Pics ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
*** radio magica stream-collage *** @ overgarden sound art festival *** sunday 29.8.04 18:00 /// steve bradley /// displaced dilemma - various euro + matze schmidt /// radio magica --- overgarden sound art festival: http://www.soundartfestival.dk/ --- radio magica: http://www.menneske.dk/magica/ --- steve bradley: http://art-radio.net// --- displaced dilemma livestream: pnm:// ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++:]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: dd-radio4cph.mp3 displaced dilemma - radio - stream - collage for overgarden sound art festival - copenhagen] [29.08.2004] [58,149,407 kb] [mp3] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
![]() ASCII-"ET" (Please, blink your eyes!) |
sa., 17.07.04 18 h displaced dilemma/s live! Ernst-Thaelmann-Monument (*1986) (Ernst-Thaelmann-Park) Greifswalder Str. XX Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg (rain = NO performance!) polyfuck ROTFRONT Infotainment ... [O] /_\ '-'... Zeigt der ganzen Welt, dasz das rote Berlin zur Fahne der Revolution steht! ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: Displaced Dilemma E-Mail Flyer 17.07.04: http://www.n0name.de/eflyer/ddeflyer170704.txt Displaced Dilemma Pics! by jgjeux jgjeux-thaelmann/index.html ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
wednesday - 31.03.04 - 22-02 hrs ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: [O] /_\ '-'~pha n t o m e d i a Unexpected Glocal Signals Ltd. sending+not SENDIng the Shannon & Luhmann remix By the way, public space does not exist! ]+ displaced dilemma - SENDI - live! ]+ plug-in-party - [berlin/beograd] ]+ various euro + HoRRorKatze+ ]+ Matze Schmidt + Jgjeux @ automatenbar - muenzstrasze 23 berlin - mitte - www.automatenbar.de ]+ www.modukit.com >> ]+ modul_51 - displaced dilemma ]+ audio-stream ]+ pnm:// ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: dd-automatenbar.rm displaced dilemma - pha n t o m e d i a @ automatenbar - berlin] [31.03.2004] [51,084,065 kb] [real-media-stream] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: Pixtream@sdi Pixtream live! SENDI pha n t o m e d i a displaced dilemma - SENDI - live! plug-in-party - [berlin/beograd] wednesday - 31.03.04 - 22-2 h @ automatenbar Berlin, Germany (6, JPG, 640x480, á ~ 30 KB, Copyleft) semi-official pix ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
/// displaced dilemma - displaced dystopia /// - - - sunday - 01.02.04 - 5 pm - till akku-dilemma! @ cafe global - transmediale 04 Haus der Kulturen der Welt John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 10557 Berlin Public Transport: Bus 100 http://www.transmediale.de/04/page/home.0.1.html - - - |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: -piptrns.mp3 [displaced dilemma - displaced dystopia - Plug-In @ transmediale04 - berlin] [01.02.2004] [89,346,289 kb] [mp3-stream] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: displaced dystopia pics! @ cafe global - transmediale 04 ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: Pixtream@ppt live! from Plug-In Party @ transmediale04 /// displaced dilemma - displaced dystopia /// (9, JPG, 640x480, á ~ 30 KB, Copyleft) fast'n'bad pictures ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: "Token Ring" 'O' /_\ *O*--'-'~_ oOo /_\ |_/_\ [_] (O) ..'-'-[- |_ /_\ . +-'-'... Audio Netfuning (Don't) bring your Headphones/MP3/CD/USB-Stick/ Audiocassette/Notebook/GameBoy/WorldReceiver/MD/etc. Plug-In Party + Mix2Headfones live! @ N O R M A L I T A E T D E S L E B E N S Exhibition Philipp Hennevogl. Fr., 16.01.2004 LICHTSCHLIFF. Kopenhagenerstr. 15 Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg U/S-Bahn Schoenhauser Allee www.lichtschliff.de www.philipp-hennevogl.de ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: - plugintokn.mp3 [displaced dilemma - Token Ring - Plug-In @ lichtschliff - berlin] [16.01.2004] [225,675,920 kb] [mp3-stream] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: - displaced dilemma - pics! [Token Ring @ lichtschliff - berlin] [N O R M A L I T A E T D E S L E B E N S] [16.01.2004] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
Radioriff + O /|\ /\ "Radio" 14/12 2003 17.00 - 19.00 h Mikroradioparty "Displaced Dilemma" Plug-In Party & Mini FM Radiostation live! Audiostream* 17.30 - 19.00 Uhr from Kreuzberg with Tetsuo Kogawa and Matze Schmidt, various euro, mi & yagin b_books Luebbener Str. 14 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg Germany Plug-In Party http//www.undergroundserver.de (from! 12.12.2003) RAD(Y)O Audiograffity http//www.n0name.de/radyo-riffraff.html Audiostream pnm// (RealPlayer) terrestrial frequency in Berlin, FRG 104.1 MHz radioriff http//radioriff.de Open channels for contributions on 14/12 2003 17.30 - 19.00 h Brecht's Mobile ("Radio"mobil) +49(0)170/5370633 (D1; Mobiletelephone, SMS & Fax) E-Mailradio radio@n0name.de The public space is a Phantasma! "Radio"s are semi-official! I.e., they are neither private, nor publically. Just correct for a multiplex made of Plug-In Parties and the treck of the "displaced dilemmas" everybody can join in with or without ambitions, + or - equipment as a listener, by plug, drink something, organized, fill the recorderchip with Audiograffity, make calls with Brecht's Mobile, or make 0-Pirateradio with radio headphones, find places, search for displacements. Radioriff 11.12. to 18.12.2003 daily 1200-0600 Uhr on 104.1 MHz a radioproject from and at the Ausland in Lychener Straße 60, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, Germany. _____ * please! check E-Mailflyers "Radio" ((( (( ( Broadcasting @ places ) )) ))) "The speaker never got to know at which moment and thanks which adverse forces his speech got in a net of lies, promises and excuses, since it changed into a smooth, pure self-deception." (not Gabriel Garcia Marquez) Everything can become radio! Since broadcasting (lat. radio) can be done by everything that can send, photonic devices as for example pictures, calfactorial natures like skin, auditive things like loudspeakers. But not everything is a channel, and the wave-machines are also not lifted all on a single gamelevel in the wake of the mix up of the social spaces with _the_ synradiotive society. Certainly, the social has microareas and subsocieties, it can be divided in the official, the semi-official, the private, and it can be spoken even by the selfvalorization of the subject which sells his production and his product at the market of the frequencies. But radio 'itself' is one or several social spaces, which, situated in places, not only form subjects, contexts and produces the consensus, the biggest Ringsendung since the 2nd world war. This multiple social space comes never about as a whole, this would be a its phantasma. It is also not feasible at all as a more finished, entire area, because, how the net theory says, its "structural holes" form always just then when links and hubs become knots which form a difference to other knots, i.e. an outside then. The outside exists permanently and disproves the thesis on the total immanence which we would have to meet at every place any time in the battle. But radiospace must become socially because the refusal of a notion of the whole constructs this whole in spite of and is also exploited as such. Radio-Performance-Theory must mount/cut the levels of the appropriation of means of production with the appropriation of space in places so that it looks at the move to the places of the spaces as per se politically, namely as a training about the expropriation of the expropriators. Radioplexes are small complexes in the format of fantasized multiplexsystems. They can appear everywhere and they appear already everywhere like an advertising video clip of Bang & Olufsen points out (21/10/2003). Bubbles of phonic waves pull through the urban space, but only between 4 walls the sound of the sound system is "safe". Eexactly there, on the everyday maps, appears the "displaced dilemma" you are situating your presuppositions and the logic of your business -- but faked! The pragmatism is displaced and becomes more effective thereby. It does not depend at all so much on inventing this sceptic displacements, one must visit them and do alterations, with and without autonomistic romanticism. In Berlin (city of the "Red Station", of the "It's cool", of the DJ-radiosets) such archaeological places would be a telephonebox in Kreuzberg, the domed building of the millionaire on the bank, the modernistic department store in the Herrmannplatz, the flat of friends, the loft in Mitte, the legal club without licence. With a combination from mobile phones, radio headphones, recorder computerchips and walky-talkies suddenly incompatibility-interfaces become the translation, and the space of the an-nouncement (Mit-Teilung) can also 'fall back' in a Real Chatroom. And its unidentified outside, the street, the other telephone network, the other frequency must not become broadcasted. not sponsored by diesel.com supported by b_books, ..//modukit+ & Mindaugas Gapsevicius Thanx to Anders Lehr, Karsten Asshauer, Sascha Buettner, Jan Hendrik Brueggemeier (pingfm), horrorkatze Tetsuo Kogawa - http://anarchy.k2.tku.ac.jp/ "Radio" recommends SENDI http://www.modukit.com/3dsf3/sendi/ + SENDI - AGENTS Opening of unexpected SENDI channels http://www.modukit.com/3dsf3/sendi/sendisendi.html |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: - riffradio.mp3 [displaced dilemma live! @ radioriff ausland - bbooks - berlin] [14.12.2003] [110,164,442 kb] [mp3-stream] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: displaced dilemma - pics! [radioriff ausland - bbooks - berlin] [14.12.2003] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: Pixtream@rad live! aus dem "Radio" So., 14/12 2003 17.00 - 19.00 Uhr Mikroradioparty "Displaced Dilemma" Plug-In Party & Mini FM Radiostation u.a. mit Tetsuo Kogawa und Matze Schmidt b_books Luebbener Str. 14 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg (12, JPG, 640x480, á ~ 30 KB, Copyleft) communityphotography + point&shoot ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: rummeldingsboingtschak 'O' /_\ '-'~[~ 100% db* ! You Urban Earecologists (Don't) bring your MP3/CD/USB-Stick/USB-Drive/Audiocassette/ Notebook/GameBoy/WorldReceiver/MD ... Plug-In Party + Mix2Headfones live! Fr., 17.10.2003 ca. 2000-Open end wohnzimmer (1. location - look out for notes!) Helmholtzplatz 1???? Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg _____ *displaced bilemma Sponsored by undergroundserver n0name you ..//modukit+ ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: Summer-T.A.Z.-Radio? Don't hype the believe! Bring your minimachine (MD, MP3, CD, Cassette, Laptop, Radio, Mike) -[() Sun-in Party @ Laptop + Mix4Headfones live! Th., 15.05.2003 1830-open end Parc/Lake "Engelbecken" . /_\ Waldemarstr.-Bethaniendamm-Leuschnerdamm 10115 Berlin-Kreuzberg ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: - disdil.mp3 [displaced dilemma @ rookie berlin 17.10.2003] [62,242,786 kb] [mp3-stream] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: displaced dilemma - pics! [Summer-T.A.Z.-Radio@kuchenkaiser - kreuzberg - berlin] [15.05.2003] ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: |
displaced dilemma, deplazierte dilemmas, deplaziertes dilemma, Superfactory(TM), space, producing, sound, band, installation, performance, headphone concert, plug in party, ripsale, music, art, netart, stream, radio, matze schmidt, n0name, undergroundserver, radioStream, karsten asshauer, various euro, modukit, miga. mi_ga, jgjeux, jörg gruneberg, mi, yagin, ivn, SENDI, analog, digital, cutup, architecture of filesharing, plug in, plug out, remix, cut up, interaction, public, private, interzone, underground, OUT, random, praxa, theory, projection, simulation, fake, illusion, communication, philosophy, md, cd, mp3, laptop, headphone, USB-Stick, Audiocassette, Notebook, GameBoy, WorldReceiver, radio, TV, i-pod